Sunday, July 31, 2005

today, while hiking with my mom and stepdad, a hidden rock decided to get some sort of revenge on my pinky toe. i'm not sure what exactly was responsible for the collision: the rock or 'the powers that be.' now i'm beginning to ask myself why, exactly, i decided to include that last sentence. its almost like there is some reason i should be concerned that bad karma could be lurking behind every corner. And now i'm trying to rack my brain..... i guess i did forget to pay for my lunch at a cafe the other day, but the women who worked there forgot also..... maybe i deserved it. a smack in the toe for not going back to pay.

i've been spending a lot of time, lately, in berry bushes. i know it sounds odd but i quite enjoy my berry bush moments in the sun. There is nothing better than coming home from work and squatting in the shade of our raspberry bush looking up into the leaves for the bright red berries. tasting them from every separate plant stem, becoming knowledgeable of which produce the sweet berries, the big ones, the small ones, and the tasteless ones. Today i gorged myself on huckleberries. oh man did i gorge. if there was ever a time that gluttony comes to my mind it would be at a berry bush. not at thanksgiving dinner, not with a whole pumpkin pie or chocolate cake to myself. but at a berry bush. it is like i'm not physically able to stop eating.

I'm flying to london next week.

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