Saturday, October 22, 2005

Well, I woke up at six this morning. Pitch Black. not sure why i woke up. i think i just have a lot on my mind. my health. packing. my family. my new home. these are things that won't be still inside me.
I have recently been through a whirlwind of activities and circumstances that have lead me to a new and exciting life! I recieved a job in sales and am moving to Portland. this is not exactly where i saw myself after graduation, but it is looking to be extremely positive and i'm feeling like life has meaning again. I'm at home right now, back from portland, for a little while to pack up the left overs and get a few things taken care of.
i live with two girls i graduated with in college. i waffle back and forth about whether i want a place on my own or a place with them. i think its nice to come home to someone though. its best that way for myself. my own sanity. i tend to be a little bit of a hider in society if i'm not constantly reminded i am a part of it.